In a heart-wrenching accident near Bengaluru, six members of a family lost their lives when a container truck overturned and crushed their Volvo SUV on National Highway 48 near Nelamangala on Saturday. The incident has sparked a nationwide debate on road safety and the adequacy of current regulations.
The family was en route to Vijayapura when the truck, carrying heavy aluminum pillars, lost control while trying to avoid another vehicle. It crossed the median, toppled over, and crushed the SUV, killing all its occupants. The victims included Chandram Yegapagol, CEO of IAST Software Solutions, his wife Gaurabai, and four relatives, including three children aged 16, 12, and 6.
Eyewitnesses reported that the truck driver, Arif, lost control after another car abruptly stopped ahead. The horrific crash was captured on nearby CCTV, which police are now analyzing. The accident has reignited concerns about unsafe road conditions and reckless driving practices.
Prominent figures and social media users have called for stricter road safety measures. While Volvo cars are renowned for their safety features, experts point out that no vehicle can withstand the crushing weight of a loaded container truck. Social media handle DriveSmart emphasized that safety requires safe roads, responsible drivers, and well-engineered vehicles.
Union Minister Nitin Gadkari recently admitted in Parliament that road accidents remain a growing issue, with over 1.78 lakh fatalities in India last year, averaging 470 deaths per day. He emphasized the need for stricter enforcement of traffic laws, better infrastructure, and greater awareness to prevent such tragedies.
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