ASER 2024: Why Early Schooling May Be Counter-Productive

Why Early Schooling May Be Counter-Productive ASER
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Are you planning to send your 5-year-old child to school soon? The latest Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2024 suggests that early schooling may not be beneficial for young children.

The report emphasizes that a child needs to be socially and cognitively ready before stepping into formal education. Without this preparedness, they might struggle with curricular expectations and classroom behavior.

Pre-school: A Crucial Phase

According to ASER 2024, parents must pay special attention to pre-school education, especially the year before entering Grade 1. Private schools typically offer two years of pre-school, while government schools are now adopting this concept as part of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.

Fewer Young Children in Primary Schools

The report highlights a positive shift in pre-school enrolment. Previously, 25% of 5-year-olds were enrolled in primary schools, mainly due to parents’ financial constraints and aspirations for early success. However, in 2024, fewer underage children are joining primary schools, especially in government institutions.

This shift is seen as a welcome change, as efforts under NEP 2020 are focusing on strengthening early childhood education. Ensuring that children start formal schooling at age 6 is expected to bring better learning outcomes and overall development.

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