10 Critical Pregnancy Complications in Surrogacy: Risks and Solutions

Pregnancy Complications in Surrogacy
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Imagine carrying a child for someone else, giving them the gift of parenthood. Surrogacy is a selfless act, but it’s not without its challenges. Just like any pregnancy, surrogacy can come with risks and complications. We believe in empowering surrogates with knowledge so they can navigate this journey with confidence. In this article, we’ll explore the potential risks, from physical health concerns to emotional challenges, and share how surrogates can stay supported every step of the way.


Surrogacy is the process of a woman, the surrogate, carrying and giving birth to a child for another person or couple, the intended parents. It is particularly sought after by persons who are medically unable to conceive or carry a pregnancy due to medical conditions, infertility, or other personal reasons. To be categorized into surrogacy types fall into two categories:

  • Traditional Surrogacy – The surrogate’s own egg is fertilized using sperm from the intended father or a donor, so she is the biological mother.
  • Gestational Surrogacy – is an embryo created from in vitro fertilization (IVF) using the intended parents’ or donors’ genetic material which is implanted in the surrogate, so she has no relation genetically to the child.

10 Critical Pregnancy Complications in Surrogacy

1. Severe Nausea (Hyperemesis Gravidarum) – A Critical Pregnancy Complication in Surrogacy

Understanding Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Hyperemesis gravidarum is a condition of severe nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. This condition is much worse than just morning sickness and affects about 0.3% to 3% of pregnant women, who usually require medical attention. Gestational surrogacy poses special issues with HG as it not only affects the surrogate’s health but also the course of pregnancy.

Risk Factors and Health Implications

A number of factors elevate the risk of developing HG, such as:

  • Hormonal Changes – High levels of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) are associated with persistent nausea.
  • Genetic Predisposition – A family history of HG increases the risk.
  • Multiple Pregnancies – Carrying twins or triplets increases symptom severity.
  • Preexisting Conditions – Elevated homocysteine levels may contribute to HG and cardiovascular risk.

Medical Risks and Management

If left untreated, HG can lead to:

  • Severe Dehydration – Requiring IV fluids and electrolyte replacement.
  • Nutritional Deficiencies – Impacts fetal development and complicates pregnancy.
  • Increased Cardiovascular Risk – Chronic dehydration and electrolyte imbalances may increase cardiovascular stress.

An early diagnosis and overall medical care for the surrogate is essential to maintaining a healthy pregnancy for both surrogate and baby.

2. Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes, a critical pregnancy complication of gestational surrogacy, involves about 2% to 10% of all pregnancies worldwide. The condition arises due to changes in hormones brought on by pregnancy, which cause insulin resistance and higher blood glucose levels. Candidates who have risk factors such as obesity, older age, or a family history of diabetes are more prone.

Potential Risks and Complications

Gestational diabetes can pose significant health risks for both the surrogate and the baby, including:

  • Excessive Birth Weight (Macrosomia): Babies born to mothers with GDM may weigh over 4,000 grams (8.8 pounds), increasing the chances of birth injuries.
  • Preterm Birth: Elevated blood sugar levels can lead to early labor, which may result in neonatal complications.
  • Preeclampsia: GDM increases the likelihood of high blood pressure, further complicating the pregnancy.
  • Neonatal Hypoglycemia: Neonates may face low blood sugar levels at the time of delivery, which might necessitate clinical intervention.

Role of Homocysteine Levels and Cardiovascular Risk

Homocysteine elevation in GDM pregnancies has been linked to the increase in cardiovascular risk, with both maternal and fetal implications. Maintaining balanced glucose levels, appropriate nutrition, and regular physical activity can thus help reduce risks and ensure a safer pregnancy process in gestational surrogacy.

3. Pre-eclampsia: A Critical Pregnancy Complication in Surrogacy

Pre-eclampsia is an extreme pregnancy complication that is seriously risky in gestational surrogacy. Mainly, the condition is diagnosed by high blood pressure and multiple organ damage particularly to the liver and kidneys. If it continues untreated, the condition progresses into eclampsia, causing a seizure, stroke, or death of the surrogate and the baby.

Risk Factors for Pre-eclampsia in Surrogacy

Multiple factors contribute to the chances of pre-eclampsia developing in surrogates. The risk factors are as follows:

  • Artificial reproductive technologies may induce a change in the way that placentation takes place.
  • Pre-existing medical conditions like hypertension or diabetes
  • Homocysteine levels; high levels are related to cardiovascular risk and endothelial dysfunction
  • Multiple gestations are the most common outcome of surrogacy pregnancies
  • Effects at the time of pregnancy and treatment.

Pre-eclampsia can lead to placental insufficiency, limiting fetal growth and increasing the risk of preterm delivery. According to studies, 10–15% of maternal deaths globally are attributed to hypertensive disorders such as pre-eclampsia. Management involves:

  • Monitoring blood pressure and urine protein regularly
  • Low-dose aspirin for high-risk patients
  • Delivery if complications become severe

Early detection and medical intervention are essential in surrogacy to avoid long-term cardiovascular risks for both the surrogate and baby.

4. Placenta Previa – A Critical Pregnancy Complication in Surrogacy

Placenta previa is a serious condition where the placenta partially or completely covers the cervix, leading to severe Obstetric complications. This condition is particularly concerning in gestational surrogacy, as intended parents and surrogates must be well-informed about its risk factors and potential health implications.

Causes and Risk Factors

Several factors increase the likelihood of developing placenta previa:

  • Previous uterine surgeries (C-sections, fibroid removal)
  • Multiple pregnancies (twins or more)
  • Age > 35 years
  • History of placenta previa in previous pregnancies
  • Elevated abnormal homocysteine levels, contributing to poor placental development

Possible Complications

Placenta previa is associated with the following:

  • Severe bleeding during pregnancy and labor, requiring medical intervention
  • Preterm birth, affecting fetal development
  • Excessive blood loss that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Risk of cesarean delivery because vaginal birth is unsafe

Medical Management

  • Recurrent ultrasounds for early detection
  • Activity levels are modified to avoid bleeding episodes.
  • Hospitalization in severe cases to ensure fetal and maternal safety

Placenta previa occurs in about 1 in every 200 pregnancies, and so early monitoring is crucial in gestational surrogacy cases.

5. Placenta Previa – Critical Pregnancy Complications in Surrogacy

Placenta previa is one of the critical Obstetric complications that can pose significant risks in gestational surrogacy. This condition is characterized by partial or complete coverage of the cervix by the placenta, which causes severe bleeding during pregnancy or delivery. Early diagnosis and management are important to ensure safety for both the surrogate and the baby.

Causes and Risk Factors

There are several factors that increase the chances of developing placenta previa, such as:

  • Previous cesarean sections – Scarring increases the risk.
  • Multiple pregnancies – Higher chances of abnormal placental attachment.
  • Advanced maternal age – Women over 35 face increased risk.
  • Elevated homocysteine levels – Can impair blood vessel function, affecting placental attachment.

Potential Complications

Placenta previa can lead to:

  • Heavy bleeding (hemorrhage) – A leading cause of maternal mortality.
  • Preterm birth – Nearly 60% of cases require early delivery.
  • Cardiovascular risk – Placental dysfunction may increase the risk of future heart disease.

Management and Treatment

  • Routine ultrasounds – To check on the position of the placenta.
  • Activity modification – Complete bed rest or limited movement for severe cases.
  • Cesarean delivery – The safest option for most cases.

Knowing these risks will help in proper prenatal care, which reduces complications for surrogates and intended parents.

6. Premature Labor

Preterm labor is a serious complication in gestational surrogacy where labor starts before 37 weeks of gestation. This can be dangerous to the health of the surrogate mother and the baby, thus, needs urgent medical care.

Causes of Risk Factors for Preterm Labor

Some of the risk factors for early labor among surrogates include:

  • A history of previous preterm delivery – The chance of having a second preterm delivery is high.
  • Multiple gestation – Carrying twins or more significantly increases the risk of preterm labor.
  • Infections – Urinary tract infections and bacterial vaginosis are related to preterm labor.
  • High homocysteine levels – Elevated homocysteine is related to an increased risk of placental complications and premature birth.
  • Cardiovascular risk factors – Hypertension and gestational diabetes affect blood circulation, potentially causing early contractions.

Effect on the Baby and Surrogate

  • Neonatal complications – Preterm babies are susceptible to respiratory distress syndrome, low birth weight, and developmental delay.
  • Maternal health issues – Surrogates who experience preterm labor may need extended periods of hospitalization, bed rest, or even emergency medical treatment.

According to research, approximately 10% of pregnancies are preterm labor, and surrogacy may be at a higher risk for such complications because of medical or physiological differences. Monitoring and proper medical attention should be given in such cases.

7. Cardiovascular Risks

Pregnancy is known to put pressure on the heart, especially for surrogates with pre-existing conditions or elevated homocysteine levels. Cardiovascular complications are a significant issue in gestational surrogacy, as the surrogate is exposed to medical protocols before conception, which may impact the health of the heart.

Several factors increase the risk of cardiovascular complications in surrogacy:

  • Pre-existing Conditions – Hypertension, diabetes, and obesity predispose the pregnant woman to complications.
  • High Homocysteine Levels – Hyperhomocysteinemia is a known risk factor for developing hypertension, preeclampsia, and thrombosis in pregnancy. It has been found that women with hyperhomocysteinemia are at a two-fold increased risk of preeclampsia.
  • Transferring Multiple Embryos – The risks of gestational hypertension and cardiomyopathy have been increased in surrogates carrying multiples.
  • Hormonal Drugs – Various hormonal drugs such as estrogen and progesterone administered during IVF are known to cause vascular dysfunction, thus increasing the risk of cardiovascular complications.

Cardiovascular Complications in Gestational Surrogacy

  • Toxemia relevant to preeclampsia – Affects 5-8% of pregnancies, raising maternal stroke risk significantly.
  • Peripartum Cardiomyopathy – Confirmed incidence of heart failure in 1 in 1,000 pregnancies.
  • Thromboembolism – Hypercoagulability results in a four-fold increased risk in pregnancy.

Maintaining regular assessments of the cardiovascular system and checking homocysteine levels reduces the likelihood of complications leading to gestational surrogacy.

8. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Urinary tract infections are among the most common complications during pregnancy in gestational surrogacy, usually caused by physiological and hormonal changes. The higher levels of progesterone cause relaxation of the muscles in the urinary tract, which slows the flow of urine and increases bacterial growth. Added to this are the changes in the immune system, which predispose surrogate mothers to infections that may be risk factors for maternal and fetal health.

Causes and Risk Factors

Several elements contribute to UTI development during surrogacy, including:

  • Hormonal fluctuations: Elevated progesterone weakens bladder control, increasing infection risks.
  • Medical interventions: Catheter use and fertility treatments may introduce bacteria.
  • Increased glucose levels: Pregnancy-related changes can create a favorable environment for bacterial growth.

Potential Complications

If left untreated, UTIs can result in kidney infections and preterm labor that may cause low birth weight. Available research indicates that increased homocysteine levels may be implicated in an increased risk of cardiovascular disease for pregnant women with UTIs. Surrogacy does require early screening and antibiotic treatment to avoid severe outcomes.


OHSS, or Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome, is also an important complication of pregnancy in gestational surrogacy. It is linked to ovarian response to hormone therapy in the process of assisted reproductive technology. The condition becomes overwhelming due to excessive response to the fertility drugs that swells ovaries full of fluid and contributes to various severe health dangers.

Risk factors for OHSS

Surrogates with controlled ovarian stimulation are at risk if they have the following:

  • Elevated estrogen levels: Higher estradiol levels make ovarian swelling worse.
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Women with PCOS are at higher risk for an exaggerated response to fertility drugs.
  • High follicle count: More than 20 developing follicles increase susceptibility to OHSS.

Symptoms and Complications

Mild OHSS may be uncomfortable, but severe OHSS can be life-threatening and includes the following conditions:

  • Extreme abdominal pain and bloating
  • Nausea, vomiting, and dehydration
  • Fluid overload in the abdomen and lungs
  • Elevated homocysteine levels, which increases cardiovascular risk

Prevalence and Severity

Severe OHSS develops in about 0.1-2% of ART cycles that necessitate hospitalization. Effective monitoring and customized medication regimens are important in preventing complications during surrogacy.

10. Emotional Challenges – Critical Pregnancy Complications in Surrogacy

Gestational surrogacy is a complex process involving both physical and emotional challenges. When pregnancy complications arise, it often causes a surrogat to feel emotional distress that will affect her mental well-being.

Emotional Distress Caused by Pregnancy Complications

When critical Obstetric complications occur in the surrogate, they may suffer from:

  • Anxiety and Depression: The fear of medical risks and uncertainty may trigger severe stress and depressive symptoms.
  • Guilt and Self-Blame: Medical assurances notwithstanding, complications may lead a surrogate to feel responsible.
  • Postpartum Depression (PPD): Fluctuations in hormones combined with emotional disconnection raise the chances of PPD.

Effects of Risk Factors on Emotional Life

There are many risk factors that cause emotional distress in surrogacy:

  • Elevated Homocysteine Levels: It has been observed that high levels of homocysteine raise the chances of preeclampsia and cardiovascular complications, which may cause psychological problems.
  • Cardiovascular Risks: The surrogate who has hypertension or clotting disorders has to suffer from both physical and emotional issues as they have to undergo prolonged medical treatments.

Social and Psychological Factors

  • Stigma and Judgment: Many surrogates are socially criticized, thus increasing emotional stress.
  • Attachment Issues: Detachment from the baby after delivery leads to grief and identity issues.
  • Emotional support and psychological counseling are essential for surrogates to cope with these challenges.

Risk Factors for Surrogates

Gestational surrogacy is a complex medical process that has various health considerations. Although most surrogates have smooth pregnancies, some risk factors may predispose them to complications. These factors are crucial in ensuring the well-being of both the surrogate and the baby.

High Homocysteine Levels and Cardiovascular Risk

Homocysteine is an amino acid whose presence in the body can influence several parameters of cardiovascular health. Studies have observed that increased homocysteine level has the potential to promote risks for cardiovascular conditions and complications during pregnancy in surrogates.

Cardiovascular issues: Increased homocysteine levels impair the endothelium, leading to the increased risk of developing preeclampsia and hypertension during pregnancy.

Blood clots risks: Increased homocysteine levels correlate with an increased probability of thrombosis, which can prove hazardous not only for the surrogate but also for the fetus.

Neurological impact: Studies suggest that excessive homocysteine may also affect fetal brain development, raising concerns in gestational surrogacy.

Nutritional deficiencies: Low levels of folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 can lead to high homocysteine, making proper nutrition essential for surrogates.

Pre-Existing Health Conditions

Underlying medical conditions can significantly increase the risk of complications in gestational surrogacy. Pre-existing conditions should be carefully evaluated before a surrogate is approved for pregnancy.

The diseases are:

  • Diabetic surrogates have chances of developing gestational diabetes and preterm. The risks involve complications of intrauterine growth.
  • Hypertensive cases can cause a condition known as preeclampsia leading to preterm delivery and possible low birth weights.
  • Obese surrogates are likely to have complications resulting from gestational diabetes, pregnancy-induced hypertension and delivery.
  • Autoimmune disorders for example lupus or rheumatoid arthritis cause a high probability of miscarriages or premature births.

Thyroid diseases: Both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism cause hormonal imbalance that exposes a woman to miscarriage risks.

Age and Its Risks in Surrogacy

The age of a surrogate mother is the leading factor for the success of pregnancy. Most agencies consider surrogates between 21 and 40 years of age; however, age-related risks cannot be ruled out completely.

  • Increased risk of miscarriage: Researchers have discovered that women older than 35 have higher risks of miscarriage due to chromosomal abnormalities.
  • Gestational diabetes: Advanced surrogates are at an increased risk of developing insulin resistance, causing Obstetric complications.
  • Placental abnormalities: Placenta previa and placental abruption have a strong correlation with advancing maternal age.
  • Increased risk of C-section: The chances of delivering via a cesarean section increase with maternal age. Recovery time may also be longer in such cases.

Surrogates occasionally carry twins or triplets. Such pregnancies have different health complications.

  • Preterm birth: The risk of preterm labor is much higher in multiple pregnancies, with almost 60% of twin pregnancies resulting in preterm delivery.
  • Gestational hypertension: Carrying more than one baby puts additional strain on the cardiovascular system, which increases the risk of high blood pressure.
  • Increased cesarean delivery: Multiple pregnancies often result in a greater need for C-sections due to positioning complications.
  • Nutritional needs: Women carrying multiples need a higher caloric intake and nutrients to support the growth and development of their babies.
  • Complications in the postpartum period: The added physical stress of carrying multiples may prolong recovery time.

The above risks need to be understood so that the safety and health of the surrogate mother and the baby would not be endangered. Adequate medical screening and close observation could help modulate and minimize complications, so better outcomes may be achieved.

Key Takeaways

  • Surrogacy can involve risks like gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, and emotional challenges.
  • High homocysteine levels and cardiovascular risks are critical factors to monitor.
  • Regular medical care, emotional support, and a healthy lifestyle can reduce complications.

At a Glance

Severe NauseaHyperemesis gravidarum can cause dehydration and weight loss.
Gestational DiabetesHigh blood sugar may lead to preterm birth or excessive birth weight.
Pre-eclampsiaHigh blood pressure and organ damage require close monitoring.
Placenta PreviaPlacenta covering the cervix can cause bleeding during pregnancy.
Premature LaborPreterm delivery can lead to health challenges for the baby.


1. Can surrogates avoid pregnancy complications?
While not all risks can be avoided, regular medical care and a healthy lifestyle can significantly reduce complications.

2. What is the role of homocysteine levels in surrogacy?
High homocysteine levels are linked to cardiovascular risks and pregnancy complications, making monitoring essential.

3. How common is postpartum depression in surrogates?
Postpartum depression can occur, especially if surrogates lack emotional support or closure after delivery.

4. Are surrogates at higher risk than traditional pregnancies?
Surrogates face similar risks, but thorough screening and support can help manage these effectively.


Surrogacy is a beautiful yet complex journey that comes with its share of challenges. Understanding the potential risks-from physical complications like pre-eclampsia to emotional hurdles like postpartum depression-we can better support surrogates in their incredible role.

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